Azure AD Fundamentals

Azure Privileged Identity Management (PIM) - An overview

Introduction The Privileged Identity Management (PIM) feature of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) enables you to manage, monitor, and control access to privileged roles and resources. The purpose of this article is to provide a step-by-step approach on how to configure PIM in Azure AD and to explore the use cases and examples of PIM. What is Privileged Identity…
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Azure AD Fundamentals

 What are Access Reviews in Azure AD 

Introduction  Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)’s access reviews are an essential part of identity governance. In order to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data, organizations conduct access reviews to ensure that users and groups have the appropriate level of access to resources. This article will provide an overview of how Azure AD access reviews work, their role in identity…
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Azure AD Best practices

Deep dive into best practices for identity governance in Azure AD 

Any organization’s identity governance is critical to ensuring security and compliance. Azure AD is becoming increasingly popular as businesses migrate to the cloud. This article explores how to implement identity governance best practices in Azure AD, ensure compliance, automate governance processes, monitor and audit identity governance activities, and educate users. Check out this…
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Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Management

Azure AD Application Proxy for remote access to on-premises apps

Introduction  Organizations are increasingly moving their workloads to the cloud, but they still need to access their on-premises applications. Azure AD Application Proxy allows external users to access these applications securely without a VPN connection. If you are interested in finding the difference between on-prem AD and Azure AD, check this article. The purpose of this article is to…
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Azure AD Management

How to use stored procedure in ADF - Azure Data Factory

Data transformation is an important step in the data processing pipeline. In order to prepare raw data for analysis, it needs to be cleaned, shaped, and structured. In Azure SQL Database, one of the methods for transforming data is through the use of stored procedures. In this article, we will explore how to use stored procedure in Azure Data Factory (ADF) to transform data in Azure SQL…
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Azure AD Management

How to use Wrangling data flows in Azure Data Factory 

Data transformation is an essential step in the data engineering process. In order to prepare raw data for analysis, it must be cleaned, shaped, and structured in order to be ready for analysis. As far as transforming data in Azure Data Factory is concerned, there are two main approaches: Mapping data flows and Wrangling data flows. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how we can use…
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Azure AD Management

How to use mapping data flows in Azure Data Factory 

The mapping data flow tool provided by Azure Data Factory is a powerful graphical tool for transforming data. With this tool, you can visually design and execute data transformations on data stored in various data stores, such as Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL Database, and other data stores, such as Google Sheets. When creating data flows, it is possible to design the data transformation…
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Azure AD Fundamentals

Data Transformation in Azure Data Factory (ADF) - An overview

Introduction Microsoft’s Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a cloud-based data integration service. The platform provides users with the ability to construct, schedule, and manage data pipelines that transfer and transform data between different sources and destinations. A key component of any data integration process is data transformation, which involves converting data from its original…
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Azure AD Fundamentals

Azure Data Factory - Data sources and destination

Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a powerful data integration service that allows you to move data between various data sources and destinations. In this article, we will discuss the different types of data sources and destinations that can be used with ADF, and how to connect to them using linked services. Types of Data Sources and Destinations ADF supports a wide range of data sources and…
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Azure AD Management

How to create and manage pipelines in Azure Data Factory

In today’s data-driven world, businesses rely heavily on data collection and analysis to make informed decisions. Azure Data Factory (ADF), offered by Microsoft, is a powerful data integration service that allows businesses to create, schedule, and manage data pipelines in the cloud. With its intuitive graphical interface and wide range of data connectors, ADF simplifies the process of…
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