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How to Create an Azure Storage Container in the Old Portal

Microsoft Azure Storage is the fundamental solution for scalable and secure object, file, and table storage. Azure continuously adds new features, but if you prefer using the old portal to manage your resources, here’s how to create an Azure Storage container and account in the old portal.

Benefits of Azure Storage Container

Azure Storage Container is a fundamental component of Microsoft Azure Storage, offering scalable and secure storage solutions for objects, files, and tables. It provides a centralized location to store data securely in the cloud. Key benefits include:

  • Scalability: Seamlessly scales to accommodate growing storage needs, allowing organizations to store vast amounts of data without capacity limitations.
  • Security: Offers robust security features such as encryption, access control, and role-based access management (RBAC) to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of stored data.
  • Durability: Replicates data across multiple storage nodes within a data center or across data centers, ensuring high durability and availability.
  • Flexibility: Supports various data types, including objects, files, and tables, providing flexibility to store different types of data in a single storage account.

Accessing the Old Portal

Before creating the Azure Storage container and account, log into the old Azure portal:

  1. Go to Azure portal in your web browser.
  2. Enter your credentials.
  3. Sign in to the old Azure portal.

Creating an Azure Storage Account

Now that you’re in the old portal, follow these steps to create an Azure Storage account:

  1. Locate and click on the ‘Storage’ option on the portal dashboard.
  2. Click the ‘New’ button in the portal.
  3. Select ‘Storage Account’ from the drop-down menu to start the process.
  4. To quickly create a storage account, select ‘Quick Create’.
  5. Enter the required name in the box to create your storage account.
  6. Choose the geographic location where you want Azure to store your data. Pick a location close to you or other Azure resources you’re running to minimize latency.
  7. Choose the Azure subscription you want the storage account associated with.
  8. Choose the replication level for the storage account. Replication level determines the pricing and the amount of redundancy in case of datacenter outages.
  9. After completing the above steps, click the ‘Create storage account’ button.

Once you click ‘Create storage account’, you’ll see your storage account listed. The account’s status should be ‘Creating’. Wait for it to change to ‘Online’, indicating that the account has been successfully created. To retrieve the storage account keys, click on ‘Manage Access Keys’ at the bottom of the page. You have now successfully created an Azure storage account through the old portal.

Creating an Azure Storage Container

With an Azure Storage account in place, follow these steps to create the storage container:

  1. Click on your newly created storage account in the old portal.
  2. Under the settings tab in your storage account, click ‘Shared access signature’.
  3. Under the Storage account, click on ‘Containers’.
  4. To create a new container, click on the ‘+ Container’ button.
  5. Enter a unique name for the container.
  6. Set the container’s access level between ‘Private’ or ‘Public’. If you choose ‘Public’, the container will be accessible by anyone with the container URL. Setting the container to ‘Private’ restricts access to authorized users only, typically requiring authentication.
  7. Click ‘Create’ to create the container.

Your Azure Storage container is now ready, and you can start uploading and managing your data in it.

Creating an Azure Storage container and account is a straightforward process that allows you to leverage the power of Azure storage solutions. This step-by-step guide provides the specific tasks required to set up the container and account, enabling you to start using Azure Storage for your storage needs. Azure Storage provides scalable, reliable, and secure storage solutions for storing files, hosting websites, or building applications.

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